[vc_row textalign=”center” top=”80px” bottom=”100px” font_color=”#444751″ bg_color=”#f7f7f7″][vc_column][rev_slider_vc alias=”home”][vc_icon name=”fa-quote-left” icon_size=”35px” icon_color=”#dddddd”][vc_empty_space height=”20px”][vc_column_text]
Founded in 1934, AGHL provides strategic expertise to its clients. With more than 500 interdisciplinary professionals, AGHL is able to deliver highly effective and impactful solutions to client engagements across the United States.
[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row top=”100px” bottom=”60px”][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_service icon_name=”fa-desktop” title=”Responsive & Retina” css_animation=”appear” css_animation_delay=”delay-200″ target=”_self”]High resolution graphics and responsive layout makes theme look great and crisp on any device and screen size.[/vc_service][vc_empty_space height=”40px”][vc_service icon_name=”fa-star” title=”Lots of Features” css_animation=”appear” css_animation_delay=”delay-600″ target=”_self”]Vector icons, advanced theme options, huge font collection, post formats – are just some of the features.[/vc_service][vc_empty_space height=”40px”][vc_service icon_name=”fa-comments” title=”Customer Support” css_animation=”appear” css_animation_delay=”delay-1000″ target=”_self”]If you ever need help, we will be there for you. Visit our support forums to get assistance in every situation. [/vc_service][vc_empty_space height=”40px”][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_service icon_name=”fa-briefcase” title=”Portfolios and Galleries” css_animation=”appear” css_animation_delay=”delay-400″ target=”_self”]Our theme includes amazing portfolio and gallery builders. Hassle free, super flexible and fully customizable.[/vc_service][vc_empty_space height=”40px”][vc_service icon_name=”fa-cogs” title=”Powerful Backend” css_animation=”appear” css_animation_delay=”delay-800″ target=”_self”]Create fast and easy with drag & drop page builder and powerful theme options. Absolutely no coding required.[/vc_service][vc_empty_space height=”40px”][vc_service icon_name=”fa-refresh” title=”Constant Updates” css_animation=”appear” css_animation_delay=”delay-1200″ target=”_self”]Receive lifetime free updates with new features and options to stay in trend with latest trends in web design.[/vc_service][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row top=”100px” bottom=”40px” bg_color=”#f7f7f7″][vc_column][vc_heading title=”Effective and impactful solutions.” subtitle=”Founded in 1934, AGHL provides strategic expertise to its clients. With more than 500 interdisciplinary professionals, AGHL is able to deliver highly effective and impactful solutions to client engagements across the United States.” color=”#444751″][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row top=”100px” bottom=”40px” font_color=”#888888″][vc_column][vc_heading title=”More than just words” subtitle=”Let our clients convince you” color=”#444751″][vc_empty_space height=”50px”][vc_testimonial_slider][vc_testimonial name=”Amanda Roberts” author_dec=”Senior Designer” position=”Designer” img_url=”1846″]”I highly recommend this company to anyone looking for professional service. We are looking forward to continued cooperation. Ut blandit lectus quis dui vehicula id egestas nisl lobortis. Vivamus est massa, suscipit condimentum nec. Morbi ornare purus eget dui sed suscipit enim tincidunt sodales.”[/vc_testimonial][/vc_testimonial_slider][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row top=”0px”][vc_column width=”1/3″][vc_testimonial_slider style=”testimonials-style-4″][vc_testimonial position=”Designer”]Quisque nec lacinia elit. Fusce tempor condimentum vehicula. Donec porttitor diam in nisi maximus, varius mattis risus consequat. Aenean purus dolor, volutpat et malesuada nec, porttitor nec mi. Sed efficitur diam ligula, vel molestie erat sagittis vel. Donec semper lorem ligula, sed suscipit enim finibus et.[/vc_testimonial][/vc_testimonial_slider][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/3″][vc_testimonial_slider style=”testimonials-style-4″][vc_testimonial name=”Melissa J. Moser” author_dec=”Creative Director” position=”Designer”]Proin a ipsum quis diam dictum eleifend. Sed at aliquet massa. Quisque nec lacinia elit. Fusce tempor condimentum vehicula. Donec porttitor diam in nisi maximus, varius mattis risus consequat. Aenean purus dolor, volutpat et malesuada nec, porttitor nec mi. Sed efficitur diam ligula, vel molestie erat sagittis vel.[/vc_testimonial][/vc_testimonial_slider][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/3″][vc_testimonial_slider style=”testimonials-style-4″ slide_speed=”8″][vc_testimonial name=”Barry Cuda” author_dec=”Videographer” position=”Developer”]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc finibus fermentum nibh, tempor venenatis mi sollicitudin vitae. Donec ac rhoncus lorem. Pellentesque aliquam velit non est semper elementum. Duis in velit in eros volutpat tempus. Suspendisse varius eleifend lacus sed mollis viverra sem lacinia.[/vc_testimonial][/vc_testimonial_slider][/vc_column][/vc_row]